What This Is...

Intel® RealSense™ In-Store Experience

The team at Human-Engine worked closely with a team at Intel® to develop an in-store experience computer application showcasing Intel's® RealSense™ camera. This retail demo was designed to teach users the multitude of ways they can interact with the camera through several different apps and games. The application was released to Best Buy and featured in their stores worldwide.

What I Did...

Programmer @ Human-Engine
  • Worked with Unity's UI system to allow for auto-scaling to various screen-sizes
  • Made adjustments to subtitle manager to accommodate for translations into roughly a dozen different languages
  • Synced game flow to audio translations and model animations
  • Compiled and tested each different language build
  • Kept SDK/DCM and related dll's up to date
  • Set up a login phase time-out to reset app if no user is detected