What This Is...
Marvel Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N.
GameDesk, in partnership with Victory Hill, developed educational pathways for Marvel Avengers S.T.A.T.I.O.N. exhibit at Discovery Times Square in New York City, and now in Las Vegas (www.stationattraction.com). The STEM-based exhibition will be the first of a series of planned roaming exhibits that will transport visitors into the world of the Avengers. The exhibit is connected to role-play-based classroom experiences and trans-media digital content that GameDesk has designed to transform students into S.H.I.E.L.D. recruits. Students leverage science inquiry, engineering practice and mathematics as critical training for their advancement as Junior Agents in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. GameDesk’s role was to unearth the science behind Marvel’s most beloved characters and to create personalized experiences where the classroom becomes a setting within the Marvel world.
One of the items developed is a mobile-based companion app for the exhibit, which allows visitors to examine and discover the science behind elements of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, such as Captain America's shield or Iron Man's armor.
What I Did...
Programmer Intern @ GameDesk
- Set up UI elements and interactional behaviors
- Implemented reward moments, including visual effects
- General QA and debugging player's experience
- UI and model art asset integration